Apply what you learned yesterday to whatever you are working on today. There is always room for improvement. Continue to grow and to learn. Experience is a spiral.
When you feel that you are loved, when you love what you are doing or creating, you reflect that love back out into the universe. Your work gains more energy, you gain more energy. All things become possible.
Nothing ever stays the same. We plan, we prepare, and then somethings shifts. Go with it. Adapt. Change is always in the air. If a tree can handle it, so can you.
You may not have everything you think you need. If you begin now, you will create more energy, and you will attract the things you need. The universe is waiting for you to take the first step.
What makes you special? Not just one or two things. You are rare and unique. You possess skills and insight and experience that no one else has. You are not here by accident. The odds that you are here are spectacular. Imagine that the universe is working with you. Never…